
Not for Internet Explorer.

Chessmojo is a website that allows you to play chess with your friends!  You can play, watch, and associate your own theme with a username.  Remember to click “Start Game!”.

Chessmojo was developed for all Mac browsers, hosted on an Amazon Web Server.  Chessmojo uses separate “rooms”, so many games can be played simultaneously, with no limit on the number of users per room.  Users may choose preferences including color scheme, and save them under a username.  Preferences are stored on the server, and can be retrieved from anywhere.  Graphics are SVG, so no problems with pixilation.  Front end is JavaScript, jQuery, jss, JSON, HTML5, CSS3.  Back end is Perl on the Mojolicious framework.

You can view the full code on GitHub.  There is a code preview below (the Mojolicious interface, SVG images, preferences, and more…):

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